01 April 2006


There are 11 million illegal immigrants in this country right now. That number is growing by 500,00 per year, What do we as a nation do about this? Let me know what you think and I'll do a follow-up post with my views in a few days. I know what the media thinks, I know what the politicians think, I want to know what you think. The only thing I ask is that you keep it clean.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We need to:

1) Secure the borders immediately. Send in the National Guard to supplement the Boarder Patrol

2) Build a (big) fence in key areas to help stop the inflow of illegal aliens

3) Make the hiring on an illegal alien a crime and start sending officers of American corporations to jail

4) Arrest and deport every illegal alien found in America. Eleven million - let's get to work. We have to start somewhere.

5) Deny U.S. citizenship to children born in the US to illegal aliens. This isn't football. Just because you push the ball over the goal line doesn't mean you get to score.

6) Revise the Visa/Immigration process to make it as fair as possible for those who are willing to follow the rules and become an
American. Our country is a nation of immigrants and we will continue to need immigration to help our country grow. But the process has to be sane and legal.

7) Send a message to Washington that average Americans have had it with this insanity. It is not only an economic issue, it is a national security issue.