09 February 2006

"To Love And Cherish"

"Husbands love your wives as Christ Loved the Church" Ephesians 5:25
At first glance this is just another verse in the bible, most husbands would tell you that they do love their wife, of course I did. Until about 3 years ago. I read this verse with another set of eyes I guess because it took on a whole new meaning to me. To love is easy, to love as Christ loves, well that's something different entirely. Before I saw this for what it really meant, I saw the wife's responsibility much more demanding. I mean all I have to do is love her, but she has to be in submission to me. Kinda cool huh? Love is shown to us in I Corinthians 13:4-8;
1Co 13:4 Love is patient and is kind; love doesn't envy. Love doesn't brag, is not proud,
1Co 13:5 doesn't behave itself inappropriately, doesn't seek its own way, is not provoked, takes no account of evil;
1Co 13:6 doesn't rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth;
1Co 13:7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
1Co 13:8 Love never fails.
If we as men use this as the outline for the way we should be to our wives, we will be showing a Christlike love. The kicker is that Christ is perfect, we are not. that means a real man will spend the rest of his life striving to obtain this goal. Our lives should be devoted to pleasing our wives and finding favor in their eyes. As husbands we are to be companions, their best friend, a provider, and a protector. Christ is all those to us, therefore, we are to be that for our wife. All to often a man falls into selfishness. His family comes after his toys, or his work. And yes, if work disrupts your marriage it is because you want it to. Or you want the "things" that it provides.
A man that allows work to rule his life, doesn't deserve his wife. Unfortunately, I see it all to often, men who would work late day after day cause the boss asked him to, your wife asked to be loved and cherished, how is it that we worry more about making the boss mad than upsetting our wife. Now I know you need work, but don't allow it to ruin your marrage.
When a man truly loves a woman, he addresses her needs, considers her desires, and is equally zealous for her to find fulfillment. Your sole desire in life is her joy.You will sacrifice yourself and your wants for her, not so she won't wine, or because she nags you, but because you are striving to be "Christ" to her. You will sacrifice even your own life, just as Christ did. But if you live in 2006 where all family members are out for themselves, you wont ever know the true joy of marrage.
I know this is kinda mushy compared to everything else I've written, but it is a blessing beyond compare to devote yourself fully to another. And a real man will be "christ" for his wife.
I plan to write about the mans role as husband and father later, but I feel this needed to be addressed first. Because the head of a household doesn't lead his family with an iron fist, he leads with love.


Anonymous said...

hmmmmm, can we pass this out in a pamphlet?

Anonymous said...

Thats great writing. Thanks for sharing. And you couldn't be more right, we draw neared to the LORD by drawing our wives nearer to ourselves. Blessed be the father for he is love.