08 March 2007

Friendly Fire

We have in this great land a system of government 2nd to none, the greatest citizen-base in the free (and unfree) world, and an economic system that allows any Tom, Dick, or Harry to be insanely rich if he chooses to apply himself. We also have the most powerful military to ever grace the globe. We are able to live in peace knowing our boys are over in sandland dealing with the only crackpots dumb enough to try and hurt us at home. I myself get up every morning and go to work, not worrying about whether my family will be safe when I return. With a country so great, and a freedom unheard of in the rest of the world, why is it that those we elect to be administrators of a country that pretty well takes care of itself, can do nothing but try and destroy each other. The petty disputes, the power-grabbing, the lieing and cheating, and the childish arguing are enough to make a man lose his mind. Example, September 11, 2001. 19 camel racers, funded by multiple countries from the Land of Sand plane-jack 4 passenger jets, and run 2 of them into the World Trade Center, 1 into the Pentagon, and 1 down into a Pennsylvania field. 3000 of our Mothers, Fathers, Brothers, and Sisters were killed that day. And how did we respond? BOOM, WHACK, BANG, POW, CRASH, or something along those lines. We had info that Saddam Insane was in cahoots with the bad guys, and he had some pretty bad boom sticks(WMD's) himself that he could give to those who believe evangelism and car-bombs are the same thing. So, reason and good sense says, "that boys got to go." So we got him. We haven't been hit in over 5 years, in 4 years at war, we have lost a record low 3000 troops(1000 a month in Vietnam), 2 countries that had women beaten or executed for allowing too much of her nose show in public are now on their way to being free democracies, and did I say that we haven't been attacked in 5 years? And those a little left of the center line can do nothing but "hate Bush" and anyone else who is dumb enough to choose conservatism as a way of life. Theres no banding together to fight a common enemy, just Bush lied, Bush is stupid, Bush is Hitler, the troops are the Gestapo, and the worst one yet, America is the greatest threat to world peace that we have today. This doesn't stop, its a never-ending schoolyard fight that never gets broken up. Aren't these guys supposed to be the most mature among us? We have been at war 4 years now, trying to stop those who would see us burn, and all the left has done is throw up roadblocks. Almost makes you wonder who's side their on. If they would put half the effort into fighting the bad guys that they put into fighting republicans, the middle east would be the worlds largest supplier of glass, and our boys would be home, cause there wouldn't be anyone left to fight. So, a message to all Democrats, You are fighting the wrong people!! If you want our troops home, help us fight the bad guys, and we can celebrate together. A message to Republicans, Beware of friendly Fire!!!

End of rant.

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