19 March 2007

No Worries

My wife and I homeschool our kids, so this doesn't effect our family the way it does others. Let me start off by reminding everyone that the P.S.S. (public school system) is the most protected agency in our government. Therefore any criticism of the P.S.S. would fall under EXTREME POLITICAL INCORRECTNESS and anyone caught doing so would be put in stocks to have organically grown tomatoes thrown at them. That should explain why no one has heard this story from the AP.

WASHINGTON - Members of extremist groups have signed up as school bus drivers in the United States, counter terror officials said Friday, in a cautionary bulletin to police.
Just so we understand each other, terrorists are driving kids school buses. Got it? good, it gets better.
Asked about the alert notice, the FBI's Rich Kolko said "there are no threats, no plots and no history leading us to believe there is any reason for concern," although law enforcement agencies around the country were asked to watch out for kids' safety.
There is no reason for concern?! Abdullah Akmed Ammanablowyouup is driving our kids to school and there isn't anything to fear? What happened when Camel farmers showed an interest in flying? For those of you scratching your head, September 11, 2001 happened. But when I typed "terrorists school bus" on Google, only 1 on the first page said anything about it. So don't expect anything to be done, no one wants to tarnish the P.S.S.'s pristine image. However, parents, you might want to think about driving your kids to school from now on, or you could just keep them home, anything to keep'em alive.


Anonymous said...


I can't decide if the authorities have a standard line of "there's no reason for concern" because they really believe it or because they don't want to see society decend into chaos as people panic. I tend to believe the latter. I think that if most people knew the truth of the real risks to them they would cause a lot more trouble for the government. This is a way for the government to keep people blissfully ignorant.

Genuine Lustre said...

This is horrifying, isn't it? I fear that when the muslim's do decide to strike again, it's going to be at a school. Didn't we see a dress rehersal in Eastern Europe last year, when the school was invaded?

Genuine Lustre said...

p.s. - I have a girls' gun blog at www.girlwithagun.blogspot.com

Anonymous said...

lolz the a-rabs is komin to kill our kidz!

jeez, get a grip.